Third-party integration through Widget-Driven Design

Third-party integration through Widget-Driven Design

Software engineering is one of the most dynamic fields of technology, constantly undergoing rapid changes. One of the drivers of such a mutable ecosystem is the wide adoption of open-source software as foundation of a large range of software projects. Even more so in web software engineering, where the pace of innovation is astonishingly high.

For the past decades, the web has undergone transitions under many aspects, with a clear trend towards distributed systems and open architectures. (more…)

The partnership between Tecnojest and energenious: a real-life example of Agile software development

The partnership between Tecnojest and energenious: a real-life example of Agile software development

The collaboration between Tecnojest and energenious , started Q3 last year, aims to integrate powerful data-driven optimization methods in the context of IoT for EMS/BMS applications.

As part of this collaboration the two parties have started working on a new structured approach to integrate the different software modules provided by energenious into Tecnojest’s cloud platform. For this, the two engineering teams are following a series of best practices and methodologies to increase the speed at which new modules are released and functionalities delivered to the end users. (more…)